Saturday, January 13, 2018

Taco Bell and Elder Bednar???? What can they possibly have in common?

ok that is not all I had to share about the MTC hahahha. For some reason it sent in the middle of my typing, but like I was saying Monday night they brought in Taco Bell to the MTC which doesn't happen is cafeteria food usually, and Elder Bednar(An Apostle) came Tuesday night for a devotional. So this week has been pretty amazing!
I have done so much and I can't even think what to share. I have two companions. Sister Smith from Anchorage, Alaska and Sister Henry from Rigby, Idaho. We are having a lot of fun together and working hard! On Sunday we woke up to the power being out and it didn't come back on until 11:30 so we went to church with the lights out and it was freezing cold, but luckily we had big windows so we could see!
I would just like to take a moment to say that prayers do work and Heavenly Father truly cares about each of us and is truly listening! On Tuesday night I was talking with my companions about how dinner would be so much better if they had some berries and also some guacamole. Well the NEXT day at DINNER we had both berries and guacamole(it went with a salad that night)!!!!!! Can you believe it?!?!?!?! Something so small and simple as that....Now it has been a joke that missionaries are supposed to tell me what they want here and I have to pray for it since it seems to work from me!!! They are having me work on trying to get Chick-fil-a here so I will let you know if that happens!
I just wanted to say thank you for all the support and helping me get back out on my mission. I am enjoying it so much and working so hard! I am exhausted but I am also the happiest I have been in awhile. I know that as we each live our lives in accordance to the Gospel of Jesus Christ by having faith, repentance, being baptized, and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, we can become closer to our Savior and Heavenly Father than ever before! Our life may not be perfect and will still have trials, but I know that through Christ Atonement we can overcome this mortal life. 
I love all of you so much and am praying for you daily!! 
Sister Rice

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