Monday, February 12, 2018

Are Y'all Amish???

Hey Y'all! I am in shock that this week will be halfway through the transfer. Time just goes by so fast out here on the mission.
So last week whole we were at Wal-Mart a man walked up to us and asked, "Are y'all amish?" I mean I guess I kind of can see it. 3 girls in skirt standing in Wal-Mart and one of my companions had her hair up in a braid wrapped around her head hahaha. We said no and then a few minutes later he came back around and apologized if that had offended us and so we then explained no and were able to tell him that we were missionaries and what we do. So that was fun!😂
Anyways we have seen a lot of little miracles this week! Starting off with an amazing zone conference where President Innes challenged us to a 90 day Book of Mormon reading focusing on everything pertaining to the gospel of Jesus Christ. So marking scriptures about Christ Atonement, faith, repentance, baptism, the Holy Ghost,  and enduring to the end. I have also been marking anything that has to do with people in the scriptures that I think had to do with living the gospel of Jesus Christ. So I would invite each of you to join in on this challenge. Read the Book of Mormon and look for anything and everything that teaches about our Savior and His gospel. Then pray about the Book of Mormon and get your own witness that it is true! 
Another miracle from this week was at first something I thought would be negative. In our apartment complex we haven't had any one living under us for awhile, so we didn't have to really be aware of our volume level. The other night we were laughing about something (my companions have loud laughs) and we got a knock on our door. Now that is weird ad missionaries, no one ever comes to your door. It was this young mom who asked us to be quieter because we had woken up her baby twice throughout the week. She was super nice about it and we felt really bad and explained we didn't even know that they had moved in. We were bummed that that was her introduction to the church and we felt a little embarrassed. Well a few days later we got another knock on the door but this time in the morning. It was this girl. She told us about how she hoped she didn't come off rude and that she actually grew up in the church and was happy to find out that we lived above her. Then she started crying and asked us to pray for her family due to something going on and she gave us peoples names. She said she knew that we would do it right. And then she told us we were welcome to come to her if we ever needed anything as well. That was such a sweet moment and we continued to see the Lord's hand in that as we realized that morning we were actually at a flea market to talk about family history but left because the elders didn't show and we decided to go home. Then the fact that a few nights before that when she came to our apartment we were still wearing our name tags. We would have never crossed paths due to our schedules. They had been living there for over a week and we had no idea. Didn't ever see any one moving in. The Lord is aware of all His children and is always providing for them.
I have also had an increase of faith in that the Lord is truly the one running His work. I have been trying to put a focus on not only praying to find those that are ready, but that those who are searching will find us and be placed in our path. Last night while saying my prayers I realized that all the investigators we do have, have been led to us. I am grateful for the ability to pray and that Heavenly Father answers those prayers. I am grateful for my Savior who leads and guides and provides for His missionaries and all His children. I know that as we each do our best to develop that relationship with the Savior, He will help us along this journey we call life and that our Heavenly Father is there waiting to help us align our will with His. 
I will end with sharing a quote from a talk I studied this week called: "And This Life Eternal" by Elder C. Scott Grow from the April 2017 general conference. He says,
"God knows you and invites you to know Him. Pray to the Father, study the scriptures, seek to do God’s will, strive to become like the Savior, and follow righteous mentors. As you do, you will come to know God and Jesus Christ, and you will inherit eternal life. This is my invitation to you as an ordained special witness of Them. They live. They love you. I so testify in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."
I love y'all and hope each of you take the time to strengthen your relationship with your Heavenly Father and your Savior throughout this week.

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