Monday, June 11, 2018

"Where dey frm?"

Hey Yall! 
I am so sorry that it has been so long since I sent out a weekly email! Finally got a library card to have a computer to email on instead of on my little phone....but lets be honest here....we all know that maybe grandma and mom read the whole email and everyone else skims or just scrolls down right to the pictures! 😆😆
Really though its been about a month since I wrote and I hope everyone is doing well. I am doing good. I am still here in Simpsonville and absolutely love it! It is getting ridiculously hot and humid here! We get to experience lighting bugs every night which are amazing to look at! And we are staying incredibly busy! 
A couple weeks ago we stopped and got some peaches from a local farm...while we were there this guy came up and was looking at all the baskets of peaches, smelling them, asking how much they were and asked, "where dey frm?" We got a good laugh at it because he was acting like he was some type of peach expert looking for the most perfect peaches. Probably only funny if you were there haha. Sorry.
Then two weeks ago we almost got mauled by a dog!!!!!! This is not a joke. It was terrifying.....
We have an elder in our mission that got mauled by a dog and had to go home to take care of the injury and is now back...he is serving in our district right now and when he first told the story we totally didn't believe him. So we have tried to be pretty cautious around dogs. We had this guy request a bible and we pulled into the driveway and the dogs were outside chained up. When we got out of the car one started we started trying to walk around it because we gotta get this man his bible! Well we guess wrong on how long his chain was and he started running full force at Sister Tucker! She started running away and I watched the dog try to bite her....luckily missed her leg but had her skirt in his mouth....I have no idea how her skirt wasn't ripped off! Then he came running at me and the keys were in my purse and I was trying to unlock the car and couldn't get it unlocked!!! I ditched the car and just ran as far out from the house as I could. I was too scared to go up to the car again because I watched the dog almost attack sister Tucker so she had to walk slowly back to the car and crawl through the passenger side to get to the driver side while I backed her out of the driveway...we laughed out of fear for a good hour after that...right after that we went to another house that had a bunch of dogs out front and I was like nope...not today....We will go try to see that person another day.....I dont know why dogs hate missionaries so much! hahah
The other day I was on exchanges and we knocked on this door and it is so humid here that the paint on the door came was like powdery so we knew it wasn't wet paint...but just from the humidity....see picture below!
Last week we got to go the temple and it was so amazing! I am so grateful for the knowledge that families can be together forever as they live the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ and make covenants with Heavenly Father. The temple is the place where we can make promises to God and He makes promises back to us on how we can return to live with Him and our family for the rest of eternity. How I look forward to the day to be an eternal family!
I love getting to teach people every day how they can be with their family forever and how much joy it brings into their lives. 
Well I hope everyone is having a great summer so far!
Love ya!
-Sister Rice

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