Monday, April 30, 2018

Como Manzanas! Hermana Arroz coming your way😂

Hey y'all! Sorry it has been a few weeks since I sent out an email. I have run into some technical difficulties and lost my email list. 
So since the last time I emailed I have been transferred yet again. Transfers happened April 12th and I got news that I would be whitewashing into my new area. That is when two missionaries leave and two new ones come in who know nothing about the area. On top of that I was asked to train a new missionary. We are serving in Simpsonville. I went and picked up my companion in Irmo and then we got dropped off at a church building where our car was and then had to drive to our apartment and find out where we would be living. It was an adventure.
My companions name is sister Tucker and she is this cute little fiery red head. She has been a member for only a year and loves being a missionary. It's been funny because when I first met her she told me about how she didn't want to ever take off her name tag. There have been several times though that we have left the apartment and when we get to where we are going she realizes she forgot her name tag.
The ward here is great and we are trying to get to know everyone. 
We have been able to find a lot of people that are interested and we are excited to keep working with them.
About 1/3 of our investigators speak Spanish so we are very slowly trying to learn Spanish using the duo lingo app. Well that explains my subject title now because the extent of my Spanish is about "como manazanas" and a few other phrases. Como manzanas means I eat apples. Just in case you were wondering😂
So we have been working with this lady who requested a Book of Mormon. She said she knows there is a lot of false info out there which is why she decided reading the book of Mormon was the best way to find out about it. (We wish everyone made that connection) we went back this week and she told us how she is struggling to find her purpose anymore and has felt like there has always been something missing and how she has remebered seeing ads for the Book of Mormon throughout her life and the thought came to her maybe this is the something she is missing. We were all teary eyed during that lesson and could feel the Spirit so strong! We testified that we know this is exactly what she has been missing and shared how it's changed our lives.
We are working hard and trying to find those who are ready for the fullness of the gospel. I love being a missionary and am so grateful for sweet moments like that throughout the week that make the hard times so worth it! I hope each of you keep pushing through the hard times and rely on those sweet tender moments when the Spirit testifies that this gospel is true and what ultimately brings the most happiness. It's not always easy, but it will all be worth it.
Love y'all!
- Sister Rice

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