Monday, April 9, 2018

"What number of wife are you?"

Hey yall!
I hope each of you had an amazing Easter Weekend!
Mine was pretty good except I was hit with a pretty bad cold. I am doing much better though.
We are starting to find a few solid people that are interested in learning more. 
We are teaching this awesome couple named Laura and Sonny. They really have such a strong faith in Christ and want to do what is best. We have been able to invite them to pray during our lessons with them and they just have the most humble sincere prayers. It has been a great example to me as I have learned how to really be sincere in prayer to my Heavenly Father.
Sonny is also a part of a Gospel music group. It is him and three other guys that are all over the age of 70. They are so good and lately we have been going to their rehearsals because they like Sister Callahan playing her Mandolin along with them. It is so much fun. We bought one of their CD's and it is a nice taste of the Southern Baptist culture here. We might be going to a Christian Music Festival on Saturday with them to hopefully use that as a way to find more people.
We go to the Flea Market on Wednesdays to do a family history booth and last week I had an older fella come up to me and ask me what church I belonged to. I told him the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and he said "Oh the mormons, what number of wife are you?" I laughed and said I am not married and that we don't practice polygamy. He was just like alright well that is nice to know but I have already been saved. The funny thing about all this was that he wasn't joking...he really was being serious and wanted to know how many sister-wives I have. Even though he wasn't interested in hearing more about the gospel, I am glad I was able to correct his view on mormons a little bit.
I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to be out here in South Carolina and teach about Jesus Christ every day. Even the days where no one wants to listen to us can still be viewed as good days if you do something as small as changing the stereo type of what they believe mormons believe or are about.
I am grateful for the experiences I have to learn from others, especially those who have such a strong faith in Jesus Christ. I have definitely learned lately that our faith is enough to accomplish great things. Stop doubting your faith. It is enough. Our faith in Christ can help us overcome anything that happens in this life. I hope each of you remember that and work on not doubting yourself and the ability you have to do great things. I have really realized that you shouldn't put limits on the Savior's Atonement, and by thinking you don't have enough faith is one way of limiting that healing power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
I love yall and miss yall and hope it is a great week!
Sister Rice

My companion drew cartoons of each of the missionaries in our district that we serve around...they are all pretty accurate! It is kind of weird haha. The Binghams weren't too happy about how she made them look so old, but they are like 75 so it is pretty accurate. hahaha.

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