Monday, March 12, 2018

"Can you guys come back. We forgot to give you LAMB HATS."

Well guys I have been transferred! We had transfers last week and they decided to take me and both my companions and have us all transferred, and brought in two new missionaries. They call that whitewashing. I was really sad to leave Charleston so soon. I felt like I still hadn't done a whole lot there, so it was a hard goodbye. But change is good and missions are full of change. I am now back in the upstate! I am in the Greenville 3rd ward which is the very north part of South Carolina and on the West side of the state. Some of the cities that are in my area are Travelers Rest, Easley, and Pickens....then a bunch of small cities in between. Our area is pretty big so it is hard to cover all of it. Everything is very spread out, but it makes the drives really nice. It is covered with trees here and very pretty! Way different weather than what I was experiencing on the coast. It has been rainy and cold all week. My companion is Sister Callahan. She has been out for 3 months. She is very sweet and hard working. The ward is on the smaller side of things, but from the people I have met they are all very sweet. We also have a set of Elders in our ward and a senior couple. We will see what this transfer holds for me! I am excited to try to figure out what my purpose is here and who I am here for. 
So knowing we were getting transferred we were saying a lot of goodbyes. The day before transfers we went and said goodbye to our zone leaders. After we said bye we got a text asking us to come back because they wanted to give us lamb hats .We were like what the heck are lamb hats, but we went back anyways because we were really curious. Turns out one of the elders worked with sheep back home and his family made a bunch of hats with their brand on it. This elder gives these hats out to only his favorite missionaries. It only took us 6 weeks to earn a lamb hat. At transfers everyone was like what you got a lamb hat! or they would laugh and say this elder's name. So it was pretty funny and cool and we felt pretty honored. haha. I will attach a picture of us in them!
Our mission has been doing a read the Book of Mormon in 90 days challenge and we are highlighting anything that pertains to the gospel of Jesus Christ such as faith, repentance, baptism, the Holy Ghost, enduring to the end. Then in a different color we are highlighting anything that speaks on the Atonement of Jesus Christ. It has been so neat to see that on everything single page the Book of Mormon teaches about Jesus Christ and what He has done for us and what we can do to follow His example. Being about half way through now, my testimony in the Book of Mormon has grown tremendously. In the introduction to the Book of Mormon Joseph Smith says, "I told the brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book." I have this same testimony and witness of the Book of Mormon. I know that by reading it myself and following the principles taught in it such as faith, repentance, forgiveness, charity, and so on, I have truly come to know who my Heavenly Father is and who my Savior is. I invite each of you to read from the Book of Mormon and receive your own testimony and witness of it's truthfulness. I know that if you do so with a sincere desire to know if it is true, the Spirit will confirm to you that it is true and that by following the things taught in the Book of Mormon, you will have more peace in your life and understand your purpose here more fully and who your Creator is and Savior. I hope each of you take the time to study the pages and I know that it will bless your lives, just like it has blessed mine and millions of other people around the world. 
I hope yall have a blessed week and keep being awesome!!
Sister Rice

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