Monday, March 19, 2018

Short update about this week

First off this new area is difficult but I am getting along great with my new companion. That makes the hard days easier.
Second we are super excited because we are doing a mission conference on Saturday where the whole mission will get together and we will get to here from a general authority(and I will get to see Sister Robins)!

Monday night we went over to a family in our ward for dinner and FHE. Their little kids were so cute and are so excited to be missionaries. Their youngest daughter went and made her own name tag and came and sat next to us. I will send a picture. Then their little boy kept showing us all these cool magic tricks and also was teaching Elder Bingham(a senior missionary in our ward) the missionary discussions.

Tuesday we were talking to this girl in the library and were sharing a scripture with her when this other girl turned around and said "Amen" so we went and talked to her afterwards. But weird thing was she quickly cut us off and told us how she is strong in her faith and doesn't agree with how we don't think Christ is Lord or Deity. So we tried to explain to her that we do but she wouldn't listen so sister Callahan just handed her a copy of the Living Christ and said that this is who we believe Jesus Christ is. A few hours later we got a call from her and she left a message saying that she had some questions. We thought for sure she just wanted to bash us, so we said a quick prayer and called but she didn't answer. Then two days later we got another call from her and missed it again but this time the message said that she wanted to apologize for how she came off and that she was hoping we could meet up and discuss what we believe and what she believes and see how they are different or if there really isn't any differences. We were super surprised and super excited. We meet with her Thursday so pray that goes well and that she ends up wanting to continue to learn more!

Friday was fun. We got to take out this young women for a few hours and answer her questions about missionary work and then go back and teach her family a lesson. They are kind of less active and her dad isn't a member. We were hoping the dad would sit in but he was doing yard work. We scheduled a follow up visit and hope that he will be sitting in next week. After that we went and helped out the other missionaries in another ward with a root beer float stand at the ward's Sock Hop. We got to dress up and it was fun seeing all the dancing going on and the activities they were doing. They did a great job with it. While we were cleaning up sister Callahan was dared to eat a handful of salt left at the bottom of the bowl of pretzels for $5 so she did ended up making her sick and she ended puking. She said that that was the worst $5 she ever earned.

Saturday we got to go to a kid's Blue grass music festival at an old mill that is actually still running. It was super fun and the kids were so cute with their banjos and mandolins. We also got to try boiled peanuts. They are good except they don't taste like peanuts they actually are so soft that it taste like beans. 

Last night Sister Callahan made me fried chicken. I made her take a picture so I could show everyone how awesome of a cook she is!

Today we got to go over to a lady's house in the ward and do a step by step painting. It was super fun and it turned out a lot better than I thought it would haha.

Anyways these are just some random updates from this last week. Hope all is well!!!! 
Sister Rice

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