Monday, July 9, 2018

Have Yall Ever Seen A Heinz 57????

Now I know yall are probably thinking, "Yes Sister Rice....we have definitely seen a bottle of ketchup and probably have used it a thousand times."
Well I am here to tell you ketchup is not the only thing called Heinz 57! Apparently it can be used for other things like dogs.
We volunteer at a nursing home every Wednesday and I was asking the lady in charge what her fourth of July plans were and she told us that she was going to try to make sure her dog doesn't get scared. I asked what kind of dog she had and she replied, "Oh she's a Heinz 57." I was like what????? She then explained that she was a mutt and that people call mutts Heinz 57 dogs because if you have ever looked at the ingredients its a whole bunch of everything! It gave us a pretty good laugh!
Sorry this is a long one but it is worth the read!!!
It has been a pretty busy week and we have had an amazing week!
We had a baptism on Saturday for Juan and let me tell you their story!
A couple months ago we were trying to find some people who haven't been to church in awhile and then down the street our area book said there was some people that used to be taught by missionaries. We went to the house looking for the members first and when they opened up the door, Elsa answered. We asked for the people and she said they were working. She then explained that she doesn't speak English. I asked what her name was and then it clicked that Elsa was the woman that we were going to see next down the street. Somehow the addresses got put in wrong because Elsa is actually the mom of the two boys we were looking for. So in my very very very little Spanish I know I was able to tell her we would come back next Lunes(Monday) with someone who could translate. All she said was Si. Well we got busy and we decided to schedule a lesson with another person who was progressing really well and I said that we would just go see her another time because she probably didn't understand what we said and we aren't sure how interested she was. Heavenly Father had different plans. Monday came and our lesson was cancelled, but we had already had our ride on their way and she so happened to speak Spanish! I was like well its a long shot but we dont have anything else to do. When we got to Elsa's she totally remembered we were coming and let us right in! What happened next I will never forget. We walked in and I saw on her fire place a plaque of the plan of salvation drawn out by some missionaries, and another plaque that said, "Las Familias Son Eternas". Which means families are eternal...just in case any one couldn't figure that out. I was like who is this woman!??! As we got to know her she began to tell us that 8 years ago her boys got baptized and her and Juan couldn't because they weren't married and then when they finally were able to get married, the Spanish branch dissolved and the boys were very upset and stopped going to church, one of them was even trying to leave for a mission but just stopped the whole process. Elsa and Juan really wanted to get baptized but they were waiting for their sons to come back to church to baptize them. I explained to Elsa that she can't wait for other people and needed to worry about her own salvation. I testified that as much as I love my family, those who choose not to accept the gospel of Jesus Christ are not going to hold me back from making covenants with my Heavenly Father. As much as they love me, I know Heavenly Father loves me way more, and as much as I love them, I love my Heavenly Father way more. He has asked us to make covenants with Him and thats what we need to do. She was crying and I was crying....every one was crying. After that we started meeting with her and Juan regularly and last Saturday they finally were baptized after waiting 8 years! One of their first missionaries came back to baptize them! The spirit was so strong and it was so amazing! Everything was in Spanish and we even sang with some members in Spanish for a musical number. Sister Tucker painted an outline of the Columbia temple and wrote "est." under it. We explained that when they are sealed they can add the date! On Sunday they received the gift of the Holy Ghost. It was such a sweet experience for me to watch them walk up to the front together holding hands and supporting each other in this decision. They are amazing examples of what faith looks like! These are the moments you live for and why you share the gospel! No matter if you are a full time missionary, a mom, a grandpa, a high school student, or surrounded by other members. This gospel, the gospel of Jesus Christ changes lives! It changes the course of an entire family and generations to come. It does so because we are promised as we live the principles of the gospel are families are strengthened and blessed. God wants us on His covenant path! As President Nelson said, " Now, to each member of the Church I say: Keep on the covenant path. Your commitment to follow the Savior by making covenants with Him and then keeping those covenants will open the door to every spiritual blessing and privilege available to men, women, and children everywhere... Now, if you have stepped off the path, may I invite you with all the hope in my heart to please come back. Whatever your concerns, whatever your challenges, there is a place for you in this, the Lord's Church. You and generations yet unborn will be blessed by your actions now to return to the covenant path."

In other news....transfers are this Thursday. I will be staying in Simpsonville and will be training a new missionary again. I am sad to see Sister Christensen and Tucker go but I am so glad I am staying and training again. I pleaded with Heavenly Father and President Innes for about the last month to not move me yet. I am not done here. 

Well hope yall have a great week!
Sister Rice

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